понедельник, 18 августа 2014 г.

C# Capturing keyboard activity of another application with the Raw Input API

Источник (source): http://www.news2news.com/vfp/?example=572&ver=vcs&PHPSESSID=3D014ff%3D

using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using RawInputHook.DeviceManager;
namespace RawInputHook.WinForm
    public partial class RawInputMonitorForm : Form
        public RawInputMonitorForm()
            RawInputDeviceManager mgr = new RawInputDeviceManager();
            mgr.RawInputEvent += new RawInputEventHandler(OnRawInputEvent);
        void OnRawInputEvent(object sender, RawInputEventArgs e)
            if (e.asciiCode != 0)
                switch (e.asciiCode)
                    case 13:
                        textBox1.Text += "\r\n";
                        textBox1.Text += (char)e.asciiCode;

// ======================================
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace RawInputHook.DeviceManager
     public delegate void RawInputEventHandler(
        object sender, RawInputEventArgs e);
    public class RawInputDeviceManager : IMessageFilter
        const int WM_INPUT = 0x00ff;
        public event RawInputEventHandler RawInputEvent;
        List < RAWINPUTDEVICE > devices = new List < RAWINPUTDEVICE > ();
        public void AddKeyboardDevice(IntPtr windowHandle)
            AddDevice(1, 6, 0x100, windowHandle);
        void AddDevice(ushort usagePage, ushort usage,
            Int32 flags, IntPtr windowHandle)
            devices.Add(new RAWINPUTDEVICE(usagePage, usage,
                flags, windowHandle));
        public bool RegisterDevices()
            if (devices.Count == 0) return false;
            RAWINPUTDEVICE[] d = devices.ToArray();
            bool result = RegisterRawInputDevices(d, devices.Count,
            return result;
        void ProcessRawInput(IntPtr hRawInput)
            RAWINPUT pData = new RAWINPUT();
            int pcbSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(RAWINPUT));
            int result = GetRawInputData(hRawInput,
                RawInputCommand.Input, out pData,
                ref pcbSize, Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(RAWINPUTHEADER)));
            if (result != -1)
                if (pData.Header.Type == RawInputType.Keyboard)
                    if ((pData.Keyboard.Flags == 0) || 
                        (pData.Keyboard.Flags == 2))
                        int asciiCode = VKeyToChar(
                            new RawInputEventArgs(pData, asciiCode));
        int VKeyToChar(int virtKey, int scanCode)
            int asciiCode = 0;
            byte[] kbdState = new byte[256];
            ToAscii(virtKey, scanCode, kbdState, ref asciiCode, 0);
            return asciiCode;
        #region IMessageFilter Members
        public bool PreFilterMessage(ref Message m)
            if (m.Msg == WM_INPUT)
                if (m.WParam != (IntPtr)0) //the app is on background
                    if (RawInputEvent != null) //event implemented
                        return true; //stop the message
            return false; //allow the message to continue
        static extern bool RegisterRawInputDevices(
            [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, SizeParamIndex = 0)] 
            RAWINPUTDEVICE[] pRawInputDevices,
            int uiNumDevices, int cbSize);
        static extern int GetRawInputData(IntPtr hRawInput,
            RawInputCommand uiCommand, out RAWINPUT pData,
            ref int pcbSize, int cbSizeHeader);
        static extern int GetKeyboardState(byte[] lpKeyState);
        static extern int MapVirtualKey(int uCode, int uMapType);
        static extern int ToAscii(int uVirtKey, int uScanCode,
            byte[] lpKeyState, ref int lpChar, int uFlags);
    public class RawInputEventArgs : EventArgs
        public RAWINPUT rawInput;
        public int asciiCode = 0;
        public RawInputEventArgs(RAWINPUT rawInput, int asciiCode)
            this.rawInput = rawInput;
            this.asciiCode = asciiCode;
        public ushort UsagePage;
        public ushort Usage;
        public Int32 Flags;
        public IntPtr WindowHandle;
        public RAWINPUTDEVICE(ushort usagePage, ushort usage,
            Int32 flags, IntPtr windowHandle)
            UsagePage = usagePage;
            Usage = usage;
            Flags = flags;
            WindowHandle = windowHandle;
    public struct RAWINPUT
        public RAWINPUTHEADER Header;
        public RAWKEYBOARD Keyboard;
        //mouse and HID parts omitted
    public struct RAWINPUTHEADER
        public RawInputType Type;
        public int Size;
        public IntPtr Device;
        public IntPtr wParam;
    public struct RAWKEYBOARD
        public ushort MakeCode;
        public ushort Flags;
        public ushort Reserved;
        public ushort VirtualKey;
        public int Message;
        public int ExtraInformation;
    public enum RawInputType
        Mouse = 0,
        Keyboard = 1,
        HID = 2
    enum RawInputCommand
        Input = 0x10000003,
        Header = 0x10000005

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